caution. over 30 minutes of strokes interviews ahead. be really bored stoned or intrigued before you attempt to watch this or whatever. i dont really care what you do.
these interviews are actually pre "is this it", the debut strokes record. i never liked the strokes when they came out and for alot of the reasons mentioned in the interview. just too much hype. and last nite was a good song, but not the greatest thing ever. they did grow on me and recently i've come to love them and respect them. i dig and found that room on fire and first impressions were a little more mature or progressive but the first album is still tight and exciting. it was the beginning of what was supposed to be the saviour of rock.
i love the iconic aesthetic they give off. each persona, like instrument, is unique and visible and heard and has their moments and time in the sun.
its late.
i haven't watched all of this and i doubt you will but i'll make it easy for those of you who reaaaally love the strokes or nardwuar or are really high or have fuck all to do or have essays that they havent even started and theyre too fuckin busy posting videos and finding nip slips on the antarnet.
My Potted Clivia Miniata
1 day ago
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